
Sometimes we need a little inspiration to keep ourselves positive and uplifted.

Here are a few videos that help me focus on what is working and who I want to be.
I’ve listed how long they each take so you know how much of a break it will be.

Most of these videos come from the following sites:

If you have inspiration that you’d like to share, please email me here.

Where the Hell is Matt 2012. (4:53 minutes)
Look at the 2012 version. If it doesn’t bring a smile to your face and get your foot tapping, watch it again!

Here’s an Upworthy one I like…

A Pep Talk from Kid President (3:27 minutes)

Kid President’s 20 Things We Should Say More Often (3:31 minutes)

Kid President – How To Change The World (a work in progress) (3:43 minutes)

10 Best Kid President Moments! (5:10 minutes)

What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals? (2:46 minutes)

Gratitude: Louie Schwartzberg at TEDxSF (9:56 min)